Happy Monday

 It's almost 4 AM on Monday morning and I still haven't slept, not because I managed to summon some magical muse that kept me awake feverishly tippity-tapping away at the keys of my laptop because I just have to get this out before I lose it. Nope, I'm awake, again, because I couldn't sleep for worrying about my writing. 

Is it good enough?

What if people don't like it?

Should I be worried if I get bad reviews on the next book I publish?

To be entirely honest, I published my first novel back in 2017 under my real name, Cassandra Johnson, and no, if you are reading this, I doubt that you have heard of it. It was called LRR Hood, a werewolf book that turned into a trilogy that I feel like I rushed.

Is any writer ever sure of themselves? I don't know, sometimes I wonder if those of us who are in the indie publishing world are all just stumbling around in the dark looking for a hand to hold onto so that we can all find the light together and live happy, successful careers together.

It's been more than a couple of years since I published my first book, and there are more that I am very proud of and don't regret writing even if they weren't well received by the market - although the market would have to see them to receive them lol, that's just poor marketing on my part, but I'm still learning and while I sit here, writing this blog post, I realize that what I really want to do is close this out and open my work document and finish up the last couple thousand words in the rough draft of my latest novel that's being published under my pen name, Cassie Bobo.

If you are a writer struggling and you are reading this, I hope that it gets better for you (if it does, please tell me what you did to make that happen.) And remember, if you are passionate about what you are writing it will come through on the page and the reader will have no choice but to ride your enthusiasm to the last page.

Remember, stay safe, making good choices and I will see you in the next post.


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